I Don’t Wanna.

June 6, 2012 — 3 Comments

Here’s the thing: lately, I have not wanted to blog. Every event I have been to, I feel like I must blog it, perhaps I even want to, but not within hours or even days of the event. I like to take in information and process it and then spew it out later.  Sexy, no?

Since I have come to the startling realization that I am my brand, what I really want to do is blog on a variety of topics. So henceforth…I shall blog what interests me.

Oh right…here is the point in my post where I ask a question to engage the reader…hmmm.

What motivates you to blog?

End tantrum.

3 responses to I Don’t Wanna.


    usually other bloggers, or other things I read, inspire me to blog.If you MUST know!


    and why does my avatar not show up on my comments? Huh? figure that out!

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